Science Never Sleeps!

While we were away from school for our Autumn Break our latest science activity was still in progress. Before leaving school after our Feast Day, Primary Full Day students measured, poured and dissolved sugar and salt into separate containers of water, carefully marking them with the name of each crystallized substance. These solutions were left open to the air to evaporate during our time away from school.

2022-12-05T11:02:57-05:00December 5th, 2022|

This Week’s Healthy Snack is Gala Apples

Local Gala Apples are this week's Healthy Snack Apples are packed with antioxidants and have lots of soluble fiber. Eating an apple a day may strengthen your immune system, keep your blood pressure down, and lower bad cholesterol. These apples were grown at Weaver's Orchard. Our healthy snack is provided by Bause Catered [...]

2022-11-17T10:50:57-05:00November 17th, 2022|

We are thankful for your help and support

During this time of thanksgiving, we look back over the last year and count our blessings. We are very thankful for our students and families at Brookeside. The last few years have been tough, complicated and unprecedented. But with the help and support of our families and friends, Brookeside has made it through and has been able to even improve our school.

2022-11-15T14:06:09-05:00November 15th, 2022|
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