That’s the question Miss Julie from Art Fusion asked the Brookeside Montessori Elementary students. The first three students responded with George Washington, Ben Franklin, and Abraham Lincoln. Her point was made. No one immediately thought of a woman!
On October 6 the Brookeside Montessori Elementary class visited Art Fusion, 254 E. High Street, Pottstown, PA.
The students viewed the latest exhibit Her Story, an educational show featuring artwork inspired by women’s history. Miss Julie read a story about women’s suffrage, Marching with Aunt Susan. Afterwards the students were tasked to pick an important cause, develop a slogan, and then create a banner. Once the banners were complete, the students marched around calling out their slogan. The last activity was a scavenger hunt. Students enjoyed this activity that had them studying the pieces in the exhibit. “Who can tell me the name of a famous American?” The students have some amazing answers for that question now.