Wellness and Physical Education
Dr. Montessori stated: “A child who becomes a master of his acts through repeated exercises of grace and courtesy, and who has been encouraged by the pleasant and interesting activities in which he has been engaged, is a child filled with health and joy.” Lessons in grace and courtesy, emotional helath, conflict resolution are taught through classroom activities but also part of weekly wellness classes.
Ms. Powell, our wellness coordinator, teaches the wellness classes to all students. Primary students have a class that combines age appropriate health topics and fitness actvities. Elementary students have a separate health class taught by Ms. Powell and then once a week travel to the Boyertown YMCA for a physical education class. These classes are taught by YMCA instructors. The physical fitness classes teach skills and game play for a variety of sports like soccer, basketball, and baseball. Classes focus on fitness goals of muscular strength/endurance, cardio respiratory endurance, speed, agility, and flexibility. Students also learn to work cooperatively and show good sportsmanship. The Boyertown YMCA has an indoor swimming pool, and once a month the students are able to swim for class.
These classes are part of our BWell program and Healthy Lifestyles Initiatives. At Brookeside Montessori we support children and their families in their decision-making regarding healthy choices and activities. A grant from the Pottstown Area Health and Wellness Foundation provides part of the funding to make these classes available to Brookeside Montessori students.