Montessori Primary Class

Montessori Early Childhood programs support children ages 2 years 7 months – 6 years in becoming independent, responsible students who love to learn. Brookeside Montessori ‘s Primary classrooms encourage children to explore and discover, to collaborate with classmates, and to take ownership of their education.

Dr. Montessori believed in a “hands-on” approach to learning. Modern science has affirmed that moving and learning are inseparable! Children move about the classroom using specially designed manipulative materials. These Montessori materials are related to five areas of study in the classroom: Practical Life, Sensorial, Math, Language, and Cultural Studies.

Our teachers create a customized environment to the children’s unique abilities, interests, and learning styles. The class scheduled consists of uninterrupted blocks of work time. Your child’s work cycle involves selecting an activity, performing it for as long as it remains interesting, cleaning up the activity, returning it to the shelf, and making another work choice. This strengthens motivation, supports attention, and encourages responsibility. During work times teachers will observe, guide, and present lessons to children.

Brookeside Montessori offers a flexible schedule for primary age students including full day and half day classes. Children must be 2 years 7 months by September 1 to be enrolled in the half day class. Children must be 3 years old by September 1 to be enrolled in the full day class.

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