Healthy Snack Program

Cara Cara Navel Orange: This Week’s Healthy Snack

Cara Cara Navel Orange: This Week's Healthy Snack. Cara Caras may be the perfect oranges. They are intensely sweet, lower in acid, juicy, seedless, and a gorgeous pink color. The Cara Cara Navel has 1 ½ days’ worth of vitamin C, 30% of a day’s vitamin A, and just 80 calories.

2019-03-18T14:48:40-04:00March 18th, 2019|

Carrots: This Week’s Healthy Snack

Carrots: This Week's Healthy Snack at Brookeside. Before the 17th century, almost all cultivated carrots were purple. Carrots are a vitamin-rich root vegetable. You can find carrots in a variety of colors besides traditional orange, including yellow, red and purple. Carrots have lots of beta carotene which is great for dental health and healthy skin.

2019-03-04T14:21:35-05:00March 4th, 2019|

Grapefruit: This Week’s Healthy Snack

Grapefruit: This Week's Healthy Snack. Grapefruit is a citrus fruit bigger than an orange with a wide range of flavor from acidic to bitter to sweet. It is widely grown best January through April. Grapefruit has lots of vitamin C, helping your immune system keep you healthy. Grapefruit has vitamin A for your vision and helps lower cholesterol. Grapefruit is low in calories, about 52 calories in a half.

2019-01-22T09:09:11-05:00January 22nd, 2019|
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