Healthy Snack Program

Harrow Pears: This Week’s Healthy Snack

Harrow Pears - This Week's Healthy Snack! Pears provide lots of vitamin C which helps build strong muscles, blood vessels, bones, and teeth. Pears are high in fiber which keeps you satisfied longer. Pears are ready to eat when they lighten in color and gain a blush to their skin. Harrow pears are super sweet, similar to sickle pears. One medium pear is about 100 calories.

2019-11-06T11:19:42-05:00November 6th, 2019|

Cauliflower: This Week’s Healthy Snack

This week's healthy snack is Cauliflower grown in Lancaster County. Cauliflower is good for a child’s bones, muscles, and digestive system. A cup of cauliflower has about 25 calories and will provide more than three quarters of the vitamin C recommended for a day. This helps build your immunity and reduces the lengths of colds. It contains vitamin B6 which helps in brain development, manganese which boots your metabolism, and potassium which helps maintain your muscles, heart, and kidneys.

2019-10-24T11:01:46-04:00October 24th, 2019|
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