
Brookeside Montessori’s Annual Science Fair

What is one way students at Brookeside Montessori get to practice scientific thinking and problem-solving? Brookeside Montessori's Annual Science Fair! The students worked on their project for several weeks using the scientific method of question, research, hypothesis, experimentation, and drawing a conclusion. At the science fair students shared their projects with the school community, practicing public speaking skills.

2016-10-14T08:53:06-04:00February 4th, 2015|

Pysanky Demonstration

Recently, the students at Brookeside Montessori learned about Pysanky, or Ukrainian Easter eggs. Angela Rosoha, a local artist, visitied the school and shared the history of this art. She shared eggs that were created by herself and family members. One egg was 30 years old. Angela also demonstrated the process of creating Pysanky. The students [...]

2016-10-14T08:53:12-04:00April 10th, 2014|
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