Brookeside News

School Wellness Checklist Challenge Winner!

Congratulations to the Brookeside Montessori community for winning $525 in this year's School Wellness Checklist Challenge! Brookeside had the highest award in the private school category. The School Wellness Checklist© is the tool utilized for schools participating in the MUSC BCCW School-Based Wellness Initiative. Schools use the Checklist© as a guide to [...]

2022-05-17T16:29:16-04:00May 17th, 2022|

Making Salads Fun!

The mission statement of our BWell programming is "At Brookeside Montessori we support children, their families, and our staff in their decision making regarding healthy choices and activities." Since March is National Nutrition Month we planned some extra special activities. Chef Nicole Hauck worked with our wellness committee to plan activities for students, parents, and staff.

2022-03-30T14:43:24-04:00March 30th, 2022|
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