Brookeside News

Fun and Fitness with our Annual Field Day

Brookeside Montessori School promotes fun and fitness with our annual Field Day! Students, families and teachers participated in our 20th annual Field Day on Wednesday, May 9, 2018. Mrs. White and Mrs. Whitehouse planned the day. Some events included parachute games, frisbee tic-tac-toe, water relay, an obstacle course, and sack races.

2018-05-22T06:39:04-04:00May 21st, 2018|

Brookeside Montessori’s Annual Science Fair!

What is one way students at Brookeside Montessori get to practice scientific thinking and problem-solving? Brookeside Montessori's Annual Science Fair! The students in the Elementary class participated in this annual event on March 23. They worked on their projects for several weeks using the scientific method of question, research, hypothesis, experimentation, and drawing a conclusion.

2018-04-19T09:34:53-04:00April 19th, 2018|
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