Brookeside News

Pennsylvania Dutch Author, Rachel Yoder, Visits Brookeside

Recently Rachel Yoder visited Brookeside Montessori School. Mrs. Yoder is a Pennsylvania Dutch author, illustrator, and folk artist. She shared her books, Penny Olive and Davey Applebutter. The stories celebrate the art and food of this culture and are also written in the Pennsylvania Dutch language.

2018-11-13T12:08:16-05:00November 13th, 2018|

Brookeside Halloween Float Wins 2nd Place!

Brookeside Montessori Home and School Association proudly announce that our school float won second place ($60.00) in its division at the Bally Halloween Parade! Students expressed themselves using the theme: 'Brookeside Montessori School--OF FISH!" We decorated, wore or waved our fish while wishing everyone in Bally a hearty "Happy Halloween!"

2018-12-07T11:41:04-05:00November 5th, 2018|

Elementary Unit on Plant Cells

Elementary is beginning to wrap up a unit on plant cells! We have worked very hard and wanted to bring our skills into the kitchen by making plant cell pizzas. We made two pizzas, one with tomato sauce and one with pesto sauce. This classroom of scientists took turns identifying parts, placing the edible version on the crust, and then labeling on a poster chart for comparison.

2018-10-15T15:14:02-04:00October 15th, 2018|
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