Brookeside News

Happy Birthday Chicks!

The farmer from Quiver Farms delivered 12 eggs, taught us how to take care of them, and also brought Will and Grace, a hen and rooster, for a visit to our school. The students kept a careful watch over the eggs. We had a 10 beautiful chicks hatch! The children were so excited and immediately began caring for the baby chicks in their new environment, the brooder box. We gently petted them with one finger and said good-bye when the farmer picked them up to take them back to their farm.

2019-03-21T10:32:32-04:00March 21st, 2019|

Bear Day!

Recently Preschool and Pre-K Enrichment students at Brookeside Montessori School participated in Bear Day! Each student brought a stuffed bear to school. Staff from the Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy taught a special science class about bears.

2019-01-29T09:25:33-05:00January 29th, 2019|
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