Brookeside News

Santa Came Early to Brookeside!

Ever since we returned from the Thanksgiving Holiday, we have been receiving boxes from Amazon on a daily basis! In this very busy season, we are deeply touched that so many families have taken the time to show their love and support for our school. The Staff and Board of Brookeside Montessori, would like to take this opportunity to wish each of you a very happy holiday season and may the new year bring you many blessings.

2019-12-10T15:25:31-05:00December 10th, 2019|

Fall Fun!

Classes from Brookeside Montessori went on field trips to Savidge Farms and Wilcox Farms to celebrate the season. Students and chaperones participated in fun autumn activities like riding a hay wagon, choosing a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch, and navigating a corn maze. Fun for All!

2019-11-13T13:25:14-05:00November 13th, 2019|

Harrow Pears: This Week’s Healthy Snack

Harrow Pears - This Week's Healthy Snack! Pears provide lots of vitamin C which helps build strong muscles, blood vessels, bones, and teeth. Pears are high in fiber which keeps you satisfied longer. Pears are ready to eat when they lighten in color and gain a blush to their skin. Harrow pears are super sweet, similar to sickle pears. One medium pear is about 100 calories.

2019-11-06T11:19:42-05:00November 6th, 2019|

Students Make Fall Harvest Soup!

Brookeside Montessori Preschool students harvested the final vegetables of the season from our school garden. The students put the tomatoes, potatoes, and green beans in a crockpot. Classroom teachers brought tomatillos, spinach, and green onions from their home kitchen gardens to make a really yummy vegetable soup. Just in time for fall, our soup is an annual Brookeside Montessori tradition!

2019-11-06T11:25:24-05:00November 4th, 2019|
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