Brookeside News

2020 Census Berks County

Counting ALL BERKS COUNTY STUDENTS in the 2020 Census is important to ensure that Berks County receives the federal dollars that impact special education, free and reduced-price lunch, class size reduction, classroom technology, teacher training, pre-school and after school programs. Money based upon the Census count also impacts health care, federal road construction, job training, etc.

2020-03-11T15:10:36-04:00March 11th, 2020|

Fly – Collaborative Art Installation

Brookeside Montessori School art students in kindergarten through sixth grade are participating in a traveling art show from January through May. Students will get to experience exhibiting their artwork in public spaces. Partnering with local businesses, students become mindful of the aesthetic responses art can evoke. Students are being introduced to art-making for a purpose and practicing mindfulness during the art-making process.

2020-03-06T11:45:37-05:00March 6th, 2020|

STEAM Challenges with Keva Planks

Recently during STEM class students were challenged to design and build structures using only Keva planks. The first challenge was to build a structure that is taller than 12 inches. The Kindergarten class worked collaboratively to build a structure that was 5 feet tall! The second challenge was to build a bridge that spanned a 10-inch gap.

2020-02-25T15:30:45-05:00February 25th, 2020|

Rachel Yoder Launches Student Art Collaboration

We are so incredibly proud of our hard-working and talented young Montessori artists. Students were guided by Mrs. Yoder to think critically during the creative process and use their problem-solving skills to develop beautiful projects that work aesthetically represent both what the business’s mission is as well as our school's mission.

2020-02-13T10:18:04-05:00February 13th, 2020|
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