Summer Camp Week 5 – Desert Explorers!
Our campers finished out Week 5 of Summer Camp with a visit from Ryan Bridge- “The Bug Man”! He brought lots of creepy, crawly critters for us to see.
Our campers finished out Week 5 of Summer Camp with a visit from Ryan Bridge- “The Bug Man”! He brought lots of creepy, crawly critters for us to see.
On Friday our campers finished out their week of Cave and Mountain habitats by talking about moose! We read the classic, “If You Give a Moose a Muffin” then spent some time in the kitchen making some muffins of our own! Delicious!
Congratulations to the Brookeside Montessori community for winning $525 in this year's School Wellness Checklist Challenge! Brookeside had the highest award in the private school category. The School Wellness Checklist© is the tool utilized for schools participating in the MUSC BCCW School-Based Wellness Initiative. Schools use the Checklist© as a guide to [...]
There are many explanations for how strawberries got their name, but some believe that the name came from the practice of placing straw around the growing plants for protection from the muddy ground and insects. Did you know that strawberries are the only fruit that wears their seeds on the outside?
Reach for the cucumber when you want a snack. A whole cup of cucumber contains just 13 calories, making it ideal to munch on between meals. Eat it alone or with low-fat dip, such as salsa. Eat a cucumber slice in your sandwich. Have you ever heard the phrase “as cool as a [...]