Our special activity for September was a visit from the Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy.

The Field-In included:  books, crafts, games, snacks and other learning activities which were fishing themed!  Students fished for their own trout–magnetized name tags.  They used fish cards to match, name, and play go fish with shapes, letters, and numbers.  They also had a fish math activity in which children matched fish to bubbles in 1-1 correspondence. (Fish= Goldfish crackers, Bubbles=cheerios!)

We even had fish fun in our water table at recess!  Thanks to PWC, Mrs. Rachel Yoder and Miss Brianna Poley for making the day a success!

Brookeside Montessori SchoolBrookeside’s child-centered educational environment provides activities and a Pennsylvania state approved curriculum appropriate to each child’s developmental stage. The integrated curricula are guided by a highly trained staff, who are aware of the needs of the individual child.

Enrollment is ongoing as space is available.